The basic story follows Claire, a young nurse during World War II, who goes on a belated honeymoon with her husband to Scotland. She accidentally stumbles into a standing stones circle where she travels back in time 200 years. She meets Jamie and, after a series of adventures, must decide to stay with him or go back to her own time. I guarantee, you will fall in love with Jamie and Claire!
The series consists of the following books:
Outlander (also titled Cross Stitch)
Published: June 1, 1991
Dragonfly in Amber
Published: July 1, 1992
Published: December 1, 1993
Drums of Autumn
Published: December 30, 1996
The Fiery Cross
Published: November 6, 2001
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
Published: September 27, 2005
Winner: Quill Award
Winner: Corinne International Book Prize
An Echo in the Bone
Published: September 22, 2009
Book eight, Outlander series
No Publication Date Yet
You can find all this information and much more at :
These have been recommended to me before and I wasn't sure if they were just bodice rippers or what, lol. I may have to bite the bullet and check them out.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not just bodice rippers...definitely very interesting, complex reading!
ReplyDeleteim reading so many blogs i dont thin i can keep up with a series :P